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Friday, January 28, 2011

Thing 14: Online Video

Okay... who doesn't love YouTube? I watched some great videos, and I thought that "Introducing the book (repost)" was pretty funny. It wasn't my first time on YouTube, so I didn't have any difficulty navigating. You have to be careful because it's easy to lose track of time watching one after another and there's definitely a lot of garbage out there as well. I wish the videos were organized differently or categorized, though. Searching with just one or two keywords results in too wide of a range of videos in my opinion.
As I mentioned on my blog about Thing 13, I believe that we should be creating short videos about our library programs and special events regularly to post on YouTube. We could post a clip about the new R.G.'s Bookmark Cafe, the Foundation, our ELL program... etc. There are many possibilities, and the more creative and fun we make them, the more attention we'll get!
Okay, I also blogged about growing hot chili peppers recently, and this video is of someone eating one of the peppers that my husband and I are planning to grow. Anyone like eating or cooking with really hot peppers?....

Check this out...

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