Okay come on team lets get to it, cause this task is fun and easy if you only try to do it!!!!
Haha...that was awful. But this task is really fun and if we wanted to we could turn this into a NEVER ENDING STORY. It is easier if you put your caption in first, find your photo and save it on your desktop verse trying to cut and paste
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Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Thing 9 - Google Docs
There's a lot of potential here for streamlining work flow, whether it's in business, school or someone's personal life. I can't tell you how many times I've experienced the issue of multiple copies of an original document getting edited and sent back through email attachments, (which often times are sent in a format that I can't access) and by the time I viewed all of the altered versions it's nearly impossible to determine which one is the most current file. I'm sure that I'm not the only one whose wasted valuable time in this scenario, jumping through hoops.
Having a centralized, safe place on the internet to store the document and only those that have been invited having the ability to edit the info is brilliant. I love the onscreen chat window that's available for real time comments during presentations. I think that this is a great feature for those who do presentations. Also, it keeps a record of who and when someone makes changes to the document or spreadsheet, which is always nice to know. And there are so many templates to get you started... what are we waiting for??!!!
Very cool concept indeed!
Having a centralized, safe place on the internet to store the document and only those that have been invited having the ability to edit the info is brilliant. I love the onscreen chat window that's available for real time comments during presentations. I think that this is a great feature for those who do presentations. Also, it keeps a record of who and when someone makes changes to the document or spreadsheet, which is always nice to know. And there are so many templates to get you started... what are we waiting for??!!!
Very cool concept indeed!
Google Docs seems like something that would be good for students who are working on a project together and need to access it from different places and at different times. It kind of makes me think of a virtual storage unit. Whomever you invite or give a key can get into the unit and make all kinds of changes and all of the invited guests can see. I personally have no use for it because my college days have been over for **yrs, but to all of you young whippersnappers check it out!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Thing 7
I've reviewed the choices in Thing #7; ie., comics, Wordle, etc. The mind boggles! I guess I'm old fashioned, but comics (some of them) are still the first thing I read in the morning. As for Wordle, that gives me a headache. It's hard enough to read my normal handwriting, so it's not right to challenge someone to read my slanted and/or upside down words. I find the humor in comics when the text is short or nonexistent, and when the message is delivered by sight or the unsaid zinger; hence Abe's honest appraisal of "Our American Cousin."
abe-lincoln-president-usa comic strip
abe-lincoln-president-usa comic strip
Well if I did everything correctly then this task is complete. For those of you who are curious or just suffering from a brain fart this is a good way to check out other sites. Not only can you possibly find what you are looking for but you can get ideas of how to look. Because we all have those days where the brain is just not working. So far I haven't been too excited about any of the tasks but I can see the advantage in having your bookmarks saved if you use multiple computers. Like usual I would not use this feature because I generally use the same computer whenever I need to look at something personal, which is my own laptop and I enjoy searching/surfing the internet for hours.
Thing 6-
1. Flickr Panogen
2. Flickr Studio
3. PhotoPal
I'm not sure I'll ever create something in this venue
Perhaps some I'd share, others I wouldn't. It depends on the content.
I've completed Thing #6. When do I get my sticker?
2. Flickr Studio
3. PhotoPal
I'm not sure I'll ever create something in this venue
Perhaps some I'd share, others I wouldn't. It depends on the content.
I've completed Thing #6. When do I get my sticker?
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Thing 5-Flying Circus
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Thing 8 - Diigo
Well, I've completed the tasks related to Thing 8.... I checked out a couple of the popular social bookmarking sites and created my Diigo account. Diigo is a pretty cool tool, if you have the time to use it. Personally, when I decide sit in front of my computer, I have a specific purpose in mind or topic to research and unfortunately, I don't have enough time to just "browse". I don't believe that I'll have any use for this, but I could see the organizational benefits it has to offer. For people that use multiple devices and multiple browsers to access the web, it could be very useful. Although, I don't have any interest in seeing the sites that others in the "community" are visiting, I did choose to join a travel group that I thought looked interesting. I'm willing to use my diigolet button in order to bookmark sites in the future and who knows, maybe it will grow on me even more...
Friday, December 3, 2010
Thing 5-CH 46
Here's the link to my PhotoBucket entry

Okay. This finishes Thing #5. This comes to you through the courtesy of Dianne who baby-talked me through the jungle. I need to revisit this whole thing and make appropriate notes so that I can try this at home. Even with notes, I'll likely have a million questions.

Okay. This finishes Thing #5. This comes to you through the courtesy of Dianne who baby-talked me through the jungle. I need to revisit this whole thing and make appropriate notes so that I can try this at home. Even with notes, I'll likely have a million questions.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Fun with Wordle
I tried using Wordle and this is what I came up with... If you click on the image you'll get a larger view. I really liked experimenting with this one!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Thing 6
Checked out the app garden and had fun with moo.com, GeoPanda and MyPicsMap. You could waste a lot of time here. Liked BigHugeLabs even more
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Thing 7
I think these are cool. I love to watch football so, in this image I get to be a player!
T6 - Challenge
Alright, I have to admit... the Elf Yourself thing is pretty funny! Check out my Holiday Elf, if you'd like.
Well today I am left with nothing to say...I even had to think just to type this but here goes. The 3 mashups I checked out were moo.com, jigsawed and snaptrip. Personally, I would not use any of them because I don't care for putting my personal life out there, but to each his own. I have done what was asked of me so see ya later.
Thing 6
So, I checked out a bunch of mashups on The App Garden as instructed and my favorites of those that I explored were Picnik, Moo.com & Fluidr. I really liked Moo.com. I could see myself using this one to create greeting cards and postcards with my photos. With Picnik I can edit my photos, make collages and do touch ups to them if needed.
I thought that Big Huge Labs was very cool. I looked at Mat, Calendar and Wallpaper mostly. If I wanted to make a calendar out of my personal pictures or use one of them for wallpaper on my computer, I would use these. Spell with Flickr was kind of neat and artistic, but I really don't know when I would ever want to actually use it.
I viewed the booklet that Tammy and Diane made using bookr and it specifically said that the task was to make a three page booklet of my own... so, I did. This took me a lot of time but I succeeded. Unfortunately for me, apparently I didn't have to do this part at all. Anyway, I now know how to make a booklet out of my photo's as well.
At this point in time, I'm not really fond of the idea of putting my personal photo's on the internet. Although, I see how many people would love this concept. I don't have the time nor the desire to use any of the social networking sites as the majority of the population now does. Obviously digital photo's are very popular and almost necessary on these websites especially.
I thought that Big Huge Labs was very cool. I looked at Mat, Calendar and Wallpaper mostly. If I wanted to make a calendar out of my personal pictures or use one of them for wallpaper on my computer, I would use these. Spell with Flickr was kind of neat and artistic, but I really don't know when I would ever want to actually use it.
I viewed the booklet that Tammy and Diane made using bookr and it specifically said that the task was to make a three page booklet of my own... so, I did. This took me a lot of time but I succeeded. Unfortunately for me, apparently I didn't have to do this part at all. Anyway, I now know how to make a booklet out of my photo's as well.
At this point in time, I'm not really fond of the idea of putting my personal photo's on the internet. Although, I see how many people would love this concept. I don't have the time nor the desire to use any of the social networking sites as the majority of the population now does. Obviously digital photo's are very popular and almost necessary on these websites especially.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
T5 Some Bright Idea
I should have known something was wrong the first time I did this because it didn't take me long to get it done, even though I had some of my favorite things....twix & chicken. But thanks to some written instructions, my eyeglasses and a little help from one of Largo's Librarians I got it done. Even though I agree that this is a good way to share/store your photos I am still not a fan but as you can see I have 18 more things to do and who knows I may become one. If you READ the instructions and FOLLOW them it's not hard, I know because this is the first task where I didn't need a twix.
Thing - 5
Alright, I've got this photo thing figured out... I was able to add pictures to my photostream, blog them and link them back to my account.
Although I'm a bit apprehensive about posting very much personal information on the internet, I do think that it's pretty cool to know how to do it if I wish.
movin' on.....
Although I'm a bit apprehensive about posting very much personal information on the internet, I do think that it's pretty cool to know how to do it if I wish.
movin' on.....
Yep... you guessed it! This is Miles' Dad. And, in case you're wondering.... Fox Island Kennel is the name of the breeder where he was born.
Okay, I'm gettin' it now... This is a picture of my dog Miles' Mom. and stay tuned for a photo of his Dad.
This dog could be my dog's brother. But of course... Miles is even cuter.
Thing 5 - Autumn in Japan
Although it's not my own, I love this picture... The carpet of leaves are as beautiful as the ones left on the trees.
Posting a photo to the blog was not that difficult, but I still haven't figured out how to add them to my photostream on Flickr.
Posting a photo to the blog was not that difficult, but I still haven't figured out how to add them to my photostream on Flickr.
Friday, November 19, 2010
#5 - Photobucket
Monday, November 15, 2010
The video on Commoncraft was good and easy to follow but personally I have a problem with putting soooo much of your personal life out there in computer land. But for those of you who don't mind, Flickr is not that hard to use. Just make sure you have a some chicken, a twix or a librarian with a sense of humor. =)
When trying to subscribe to some of my favorite news feeds I found it interesting as to how many are on Facebook. Technology is good but one day we are going to be like the Jetson... and hopefully I will be dead because I think it is sad how technology is replacing all human contact.
reviewng thing 3
Okay, safely through Thing 3. (Try reading that fast). The video gave me a clearer understanding of what is going on here. It's still foggy, but as long as I have good people around to baby-talk me though, I'll make it.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Thing 3 & 4
Watched the video and it is slowly making sense to me. I like the idea of not wasting valuable time and that there is a new and easier way to navigate the RSS. I chose the Google Reader and added a few sites to refer back to when I need to refresh my memory. This is all new to me and I feel like I'm a very slow, slow learner.
Thing I
I watched the video and I understood what blogging is now all about. I read "Into the New World of Librarianship" and I understood "Library is human" with 2.0 Web. Reviewing a blog will give an opportunity to learn from others or how other libraries are doing things. I liked the idea that the blogging does not have policies or procedures.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
things 3-4
I chose Google Reader. I found this reader to be difficult to navigate. It was hard to see feeds I had subscribed to without clicking multiple headings.
I like the timeliness of the feeds for up to the minute info. I already use news feeds on my home page on my home computer.
RSS Feeds are a way to get quick info on specific subjects at work or at home.
In the library an RSS feed could quickly link us to info on books/authors or other informational sites to provide customer service.
I like the timeliness of the feeds for up to the minute info. I already use news feeds on my home page on my home computer.
RSS Feeds are a way to get quick info on specific subjects at work or at home.
In the library an RSS feed could quickly link us to info on books/authors or other informational sites to provide customer service.
Thing 3 - RSS
Okay, I've set up an account with Google Reader. I definitely like this concept! All of my news comes to me instead of me having to go out and find it. This could save a lot of time and run-around!
Web 2.0 continued...
Yep, it's pretty cool to have the knowledge.
The next thing
Okay. I'm still learning about this subject. Since I'm ancient, it's a given, at least for me, that it'll take more time for all this to sink in. But eventually I'll get it, and perhaps learn enough about it to find that this program will be very beneficial. Right now, it's still a tad foggy.
Web 2.0
After watching the required video I can see one of the positives of blogging and who knows I may become famous
If it wasn't for the fact that my superiors say I have to do this I WOULD NOT be blogging, so I am going to try and make the best of this. So keep your eyes open for my next comments hopefully if anything they will make you laugh. :)
creating a blog
With a great deal of assistance, I've taken my first baby steps into the jungles of the blog. The jury is still out as to how effectively I can navigate through and utilize this new venue (at least for now.)
Learning to blog!
Tammy and Diane teaching old dogs new tricks. Learning new things every day and lovin' it.
Staff Development Day 2010
Hey.... Here we are once again, learning as we go! Pretty cool stuff, providing we find the time to follow the blog. Definitely interesting if you ask me.... always kinda wondered what this stuff was all about... THANX!
Hope everyone has fun today!
Hope everyone has fun today!
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