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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thing 23: Final Thoughts

So, here it is... the last Thing. As I reflect on the past three months and everything that I've learned through the 23 Things program, I feel that it was an excellent training experience. I've really enjoyed working on each Thing at my own pace, and I know that I'll retain so much more through this self discovery program than I ever would have if it were in a classroom setting for an hour here and there. Honestly, as the time went by, I found myself looking forward to checking the blog to find out what the next Thing was and glancing at the charts as I walk by them to see if I'd received my sticker yet. I got a sense of accomplishment with each and every task that I completed, especially those that I sorta stumbled through. I've enjoyed the many discussions I've had with my co-workers and reading the team blogs to get other staff perspectives along the way. Actually, in a sense, the training brought us together to meet a common goal and I think that it was good for all of us. Lastly, and probably most important of all, I've learned a great deal and for that, I'm grateful. Even though we've heard some complaints throughout the weeks, I'm sure that everyone (if they stop and think about it), has enjoyed a Thing or two whether they choose to admit it or not. I appreciate the opportunity that we've been given to explore and learn about the current trends on the web, and will definitely use some of this knowledge in the future, thanks to 23 Things.  

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